
"Thanks for the amazing performance at Nuit Blanche... Love your music" - email from artist David Swartz, producer of Transcendental Mirror

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Heavy Ethics

piano, bass, drum trio. elusive, unabashedly visceral, highly eclectic - 20th century classical, the avant-garde, 60's jazz, 70's rock, and dissonant new age funk - in one crazy ear-turner oF a band with no pretension.

chris normaN
heavy bass, guitar, composer. Nimble, fast, passionate and solid, chris has the outstanding musicianship to execute his creativity!

compositions are ear catching yet demanding, incorporating odd meters, tight unison lines, heavy riffs and blistering tempos

james scott
killer drums, composer. energetic, dynamic, highly volatile - yet sensitive, james has a stYle all his own - a true original!

compositions are well structured, catchy and melodic, combining rock, jazz and classical elements in a unique and very exciting way

rommel reyes
crazy piano, keyboard, composer. intense, quiet, sparse, lush, melodic, sensitive, and fUrious - all at the same time!

compositions range from romantic to abrasive, generally short and to the point, providing a variety of elements for improvisatory take-off

the heavy ethics chronicles - a study in fusion (part i)
the heavy ethics chronicles - a study in fusion (part ii)